Seen at the mall

Public art! I know, that’s way better than what it could have been, right?

(this snapshot is now my phone’s background photo and it is AWESOME)

This installation has been underway at Lenox Square Mall since the start of the month, will be completed this weekend and is on display until the end of March. You can’t really tell from the photo, but the stripes are made up of what amounts to silk-flower confetti. I saw someone working on the installation using tweezers to meticulously place the flower bits, making sure the different colors stayed within their respective stripes. The work occupies a large swath of mall-floor in front of Macy’s, central real estate taken up by Santa during the holidays and other promotional campaigns in all other seasons.

Here’s a brief summary from the website of flux projects, which is funding the work:

[Gyun] Hur’s work explores elements of the ephemeral nature of beauty and life through installations of re-appropriated silk flowers carefully arranged into immaculate, streamlined patterns. The project at Lenox will continue her series of intricate rainbow installations, in which deconstructed silk flowers inspire recollections of her past and ties to Korea and her family.

Flux projects has been sponsoring public art displays and performances all over Atlanta for a little more than a year now — I think it’s great that they’re finding such visible homes and venues for these projects.

Another flux project that just kicked off is called Secrets of Atlanta (not unlike the well-known PostSecret community art project). Through May they’ll be collecting secrets at drop boxes throughout the city, and later in the year all these confessions will be printed on paper towels for use in public restrooms. Keep your eyes peeled, y’all — art is everywhere!

One response to “Seen at the mall

  1. Silk flower confetti?!?! How amazing!

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